
Important USDC Symbol Update in Bitwave (Polygon Network)


Important USDC Symbol Update in Bitwave (Polygon Network)
We're updating how USDC tokens will be displayed on the Bitwave platform.
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Bitwave is making a change to the way USDC tokens are displayed on our platform. This update is part of our ongoing efforts to streamline your workflows and improve the customer experience.

What's Happening?

The symbols for Native and Bridged USDC on Polygon are updating in Bitwave:

Token Type Current Symbol New Symbol
Native USDC (on Polygon) USDC-540 POLY-USDC
Bridged USDC (on Polygon) POLY_USDC POLY-USDC.e

Why The Update? 

The launch of Native USDC on Polygon coincided with the discontinuation of support for deposits and withdrawals of bridged USDC via Circle Mint. This change will more accurately reflect Bitwave's support for both USDC types moving forward.

What Next? 

For the majority of users, no action is required. You'll see this change in Bitwave starting today. However, if you are importing Native or Bridged USDC tokens, please ensure you use the correct token identifier.

If you have any questions, reach out to our support team at

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